What Just Happened?

Everyone is trying to figure out what happened. Was it a virus from a bat? A lab leak? A bioweapon from Ukraine? Snake venom?

And how do you get leaders from countries all over the world, who you would presume have unique interests and at least some sense of “my country first,” (or at the very least a sense of self-preservation or common sense) to all band together and agree to stupid shit like lockdowns, vaccine and mask mandates, health passports, etc?

I used to think it was just the pandemic response that was fake, but now I don’t know if the whole thing was fake, just made up bullshit using fake PCR tests that have shown tap water, Diet Coke, and mangos test positive with the virus.

We’ve got a “resident” in the White House that wanders around in a daze and can’t speak a coherent sentence, a CDC that colludes with Big Pharma and the FDA to lie all the time, a massive vaccine injury cover-up by Big Tech with corporate propoganda and censorship at unheard of levels in the US, and now my country is sending billions of dollars in weapons to a foreign nation so the citizens there can self-destruct, all while saying how much they care about our safety.

The conversation has moved to whether it’s OK to groom kindergarteners to be sexual perverts and a Supreme Court Justice who can’t define a basic word. I used to only have to worry about kids getting addicted to porn, now I’m worried their third grade teacher will tell them they should cut their dick off and start wearing makeup and a dress.

What the hell happened?

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